How my journey began

My journey began in a small town in Hungary. Growing up, as a child, I was happy, singing, performing, always entertaining. Seemed like a great start. One would say had a happy childhood. Half way into my adolescence years things started to change ,all of a sudden I lost interest in every day activities and people , no motivation at all. Nothing happened on the “outside” world, yet everything seemed hopeless. No care for the world, laying on the couch was the only desire I had. Out of this place was the first time I really took a good look at my life. (never stopped ever since) . From that moment forward, just like many people, started the search, the journey , the discovery of who I was and what was I here to do. To live a life full of pain and sadness? I asked, somehow it didn’t add up. Luckily (or not luck at all ) a deeper part of me answered the question and refused to believe , that that’s what life was about. It isn’t, it turns out, but you have to answer the call. Sometimes, more than once. But it’s worth it! Since than with the help of many different people throughout (healers, mentors, authors, youtubers, friends and family) I have healed myself of depression, anxiety, fear/phobia of doctors, adrenal fatigue, periodontal issues and many painful emotions that were stored in my body, and were ready to be liberated. So after countless hours of self-healing books, seminars and teachers I can honestly say, that I have found peace and a version of myself that I actually like and continue to nurture. The real spark that is always with us, if we just make that first step toward it, even if it seems scary, our life can change!

Meet Lilla

Meet Lilla

I’m a certified ThetaHealing® practitioner. It is the modality that I love and use most often, because it brings immediate change into our lives, however my style of coaching comes from many different techniques combined together to bring joy and lightness to the process of healing.

Awards I’ve Won

Best Caring Animal Lover
Most Loving Daughter
Super Cool Baby Sister
Five Yummy Star Chef
Best Supporting Actress of Life

Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.

Together let’s discover the direction your life wants to go on.