Are you ready to trust the process of life to bring you your highest good?


When everything is crashing down and collapses, remember that there is a Force in us that never changes - ever. It is always stable and present within ourselves and waiting for us to call on it.

Every experience you have leads you to a greater understanding of your purpose.

What are you afraid of?

You can only meet what is yours and what will serve you. I see the day when you will bless the sufferings that have taught you to become WHO YOU TRULY ARE. 

It’s not the load that weighs us down- it’s the way we carry it.

Embracing uncertainties is something most of us are not comfortable with, particularly in times of drastic changes. We do everything to obtain and maintain certainty in our lives to buffer us from any change. We sign up for things such as marriage licenses and insurance policies to feel “secure”. This deep desire for certainty comes from our ego, which can only deal with the known, the past. The ego wants certainty on its own terms, but these terms are all false. It is our soul that wants to evolve , grow, and experience life. As every toddler enjoys his or her first own successful steps, so can we find pleasure from observing our own growth process. Uncertainty is the basis of life because life is change.